Christians Caring in the Community – find us at 109 College St

Worship Service Times

Sunday: During this period of interregnum, we have a combined service at 9am which is a mix of the services explained below. All services are based on the Eucharistic liturgies in the New Zealand Prayerbook and include a mix of our favourite hymns, some modern songs with an activity for the children.

Sunday 8:00am: A contemplative service flavoured by the beautiful words of the Eucharistic liturgies in the New Zealand Prayerbook. The Service includes our favourite hymns, Bible readings, a message, prayers, Holy Communion, and fellowship over morning tea. The Service is usually about an hour long. Newcomers most welcome.

Sunday 10:00am: A more contemporary service with an activity for the children, modern songs, and liturgy. An uplifting hour of worship followed by fellowship over morning tea. All welcome. .

Thursday 10:00am: We meet in the St. Matthew’s Church Chapel for this more intimate Communion Service. The Service is about 30min long, with a Bible story, prayers, Communion, and morning tea afterwards. Very friendly and our folk love to have visitors.